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The Thirty Subsidiary Attainments

(10) KNOWLEDGE OF THE HEAVENLY WORLD. By concentrating on the sun, one comes to know the secret nature of the physical as well as of the heavenly worlds.

(11) KNOWLEDGE OF THE PLANETS. By concentrating on the moon, one comes to know the nature of the whole array of planetary worlds.

(12) KNOWLEDGE OF THE MOVEMENTS OF THE STARS is gained by concentrating on the Polar Star. All stars are in motion, they only appear to us motionless because of their great distance from us.

(13) KNOWLEDGE OF THE BODY AND ALL ITS COMPONENT PARTS is gained by concentrating on the navel.

(14) FREEDOM FROM HUNGER AND THIRST is gained by concentrating on the hollow of the neck.

(15) STILLNESS OF BODY AND MIND is gained by concentrating on the main artery (kurma) near the hollow of the neck.

(16) VISION OF SUPERNATURAL BEINGS is gained by concentrating on the light which radiates from the subtle Center above the brow, the Brahmarandhra.

(17) KNOWLEDGE OF ALL THINGS is attained by concentrating on the star of divination (pratibha) which appears in the mind when the adept has succeeded in completely stilling his mind.

(18) KNOWLEDGE OF CONSCIOUSNESS is attained by concentrating on the heart.

(19) VISUALIZING THE INTRINSIC FORM OF THE COSMIC BEING. When the state of true consciousness devoid of all notion of I-ness and other mental delusions has been attained, concentrating on that state, the adept sees the intrinsic form of the Cosmic Being. When he realizes this supreme Attainment, he gains at the same time the power of divination and the five sense-Attainments:

(a) DIVINATION (pratibha) by which he knows past, present and future, and also distant, subtle and secret things.

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