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“You can trust those translations—they are clear and readable and accurate, and that’s all too unusual. There are no better translations of those texts.”
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Tantrik Studies


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—Trish Edwards
Om Mountain Yoga and Meditation Center


“Now I can rest assured when I travel I can take a whole set of Yogic teachings—Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Shiva Samhita, Gheranda Samhita and Bhagavad Gita—along with me without burdening the baggage. These books are a must have in your Yoga library for their original content and conciseness.”
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Detox Yoga


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OM magazine


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Union Yoga


“’s books are different from other translations because they include the original, complete and correct Sanskrit writing above the accurate and informative English translation. The books also provide excellent photographs for easy referencing of the asanas and mudras. If you’re interested in learning more about these classic texts, we would definitely recommend these books.”
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Vancouver Yoga Review


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Om Mountain Yoga & Meditation Center


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User Experience Analyst


“On a side note, I absolutely love all of the books. The books are clean, elegant, and devoid of the usual commentary and admonitions. In truth, I had never realized how compact the Hatha Yoga Pradipika actually was, since all of my editions are chock-full of interpretation and advice!”
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Bhakti Warrior Yoga


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Santosha School


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